Aw, what's the use o' washin'
An a-scrubbin' all the time?
You'd think us kids was nothin'
But a lot of dirty grime.
The first thing in the mornin'
Jes' as soon as I git up,
You hand me soap an' water
An' a toothbrush in a cup.
My bed's as clean as all gitout
Gee whiz, Ma, it ain't right
To make a feller wash his face
Jes' cause he slep' all night.
It jes'' seems like that's all I do
Is scrub my hands an' face.
A kid I know done that so much
He washed 'em out o' place!
An' that strong soap, it ain't no good,
It hurts my eyes, Gee Whiz!
It's liable to make a feller blind
You know, too, Ma, it is.
An' them towels is awful rough,
They scratch worse 'en a cat.
An' if I keep on usin' 'em
My face'll wear down flat.
I'm going to do like sister,
An' do you know why? Because
I'll jes' put lots of powder on
That's jes' the way she does!
Arthur L. Kaser