Submitted from John Guy, Edward Weeden and many Ranger Vets
(Click on thumbnails to view larger photos)

1986fmdy.jpg (10008 bytes) amfinest.jpg (9888 bytes) This is the non-departmental button was the item given to crew and visitors during the "Ranger is a 10" time-period
Submitted by Ed Weeden - Engineering is a 10 button, This was part of the "Ranger is a 10" training program (titled from the Dudly Moore Movie "10" -- meaning perfect) -- It was very successful, winning CV-61 several "E"s for excellence during inspections, including one in Engineering Ranger NAVCIT -- Button / Device worn on uniform of individuals assigned to Retention Teams aboard USS RANGER This is the OLDEST of the RANGER buttons I have, and a  prized possession!  and there were only a couple hundred left when I arrived aboard.
Button struck by Special Services welcoming the crew back to SubicBay enroute Westpac 79 An "E" was won by our Supply Department as part of the "Ranger" is a 10" training/preparation project Button struck by Special Services for crew to welcome them back from the 1979 cruise (known popularly as "Crunchpac 79"
But1.jpg (12847 bytes) But2.jpg (8266 bytes) But3.jpg (7686 bytes)
But4.jpg (7035 bytes) But5.jpg (10741 bytes) But6.jpg (9137 bytes)
But7.jpg (14369 bytes) But8.jpg (11560 bytes) But9.jpg (6084 bytes)
But9a.jpg (12896 bytes) But9c.jpg (10125 bytes) But9d.jpg (12871 bytes)
But9e.jpg (14261 bytes) But9f.jpg (11313 bytes) But9g.jpg (12437 bytes)
But9h.jpg (10256 bytes) Clrss.jpg (17413 bytes) loveeng.jpg (9412 bytes)
ofirmte.jpg (10300 bytes) ph.jpg (6132 bytes) ph1.jpg (8252 bytes)
ph2.jpg (4186 bytes) ph3.jpg (6203 bytes) This button was submitted from James C. "Jim" Hopper Aboard Ranger in 1973 as a SN,  was assigned to the OPs Office
sub82.jpg (16921 bytes) Summ.jpg (7635 bytes) Austr. Button.JPG (8378 bytes)